Not My Cup of Tea

I received a free copy of this book for my honest review from the Goodreads’ group; Lovers of Paranormal’s R2R.
I’ve been worrying over writing this review for a week now because I was undecided on what to say and what rating it deserved.
I thought the description of the book was great. I didn’t like the cover, but they say you shouldn’t judge a book by that, so I didn’t. However, upon finishing the first few chapters, I came to the realization that this book was not for me. Nonetheless, I persevered.
It was a tedious read in which I made many cringing faces of dislike and annoyance. Lesson learned, read the free sample on Amazon.com before agreeing to an R2R in the future. Had I done that, I would have known this book was not for me. That, however, is entirely not the author’s fault at all. It’s a matter of taste and preference. This book was obviously written by a manly man, with manly views of the world…sadly, I am a HUGE feminist. LOL
I did like the fact that I’d never read a story like The Godless before. It was quite unique and very imaginative. At times the author shows great skill in turning a phrase…other times the phrasing seems a bit awkward.
I didn’t much like Aren, the main character, at all. He seemed like just another manly sort of chauvinistic guy among many in the book, including the angels…while the only ladies were either sluts, whores or had a ring on their finger…Oh, I don’t know. It just seems like a book written for men—and women who “know their place.” It irked me from beginning to end, but if you like manly men shooting guns, gambling, drinking alcohol, fighting, chasing each other, threatening each other, talking about money and many many more manly things, this book is 100% for you. Happy Reading. ^_^
Like I said, I won’t dock points for taste’s sake. That was my fault. 3 stars, only because there were quite a few grammatical errors, the story dragged at times, and there were some inconsistencies in the story (one minute someone is a cousin of Aren's, few chapters later he's a brother to the main character) I hate stuff like that.