Ben Bova's Orion

Orion Among the Stars - Ben Bova

Wow, a blast from my past. I read this book when I was 15 years old and I didn't realize until just now how huge an impact this book had on me.


The book opens on a space ship, where clones are being woken, paired up and readied for war. I don't remember much about the war, or who they were even fighting, but maybe that's because as well written as it was, as interesting and brilliant, I remember the bigger story better. I remember that Orion was a man once. Then gods changed him, used him as they saw fit. Toyed with him. He had to fight back. How many lives would he be forced to live? How many times would they place him in harms way, like an overly abused chess piece. There was so much struggle, so much love and hate. What I remember from this book, half a lifetime ago was that. I'll have to reread it and maybe edit this post a bit afterward.