Ben Bova's Venus

As a writer I get asked one question from time to time. Who is your favorite author or who has influenced you the most in your writing. Ben Bova, actually is one of my favorite authors, and I'd say he's had a large impact on me as an artist. Venus is a perfect example of why.
Venus is a fantastic futuristic novel and it seems so possible. Just one aspect of the novel is that global warming is having devastating effects on the planet, but politicians refuse to budge on the issue...sounds familiar already. Another aspect is that the rich can virtually live forever given the advances in medicine, but a broken healthcare system makes sure the poor live very short lives...yup, totally rings a bell. Besides all that, it's a very interesting and intriguing story all and all, based on science and human nature. Bova's books always have a rough around the edges hero, some brash romance and heaps of original ideas that boggle the mind.
As a writer I tend to stick with urban fantasy, paranormal romance and all the jazz, but as a long time fan of Bova's I'm compelled to back my supernatural bits with science, or something like it :-P I'm no scientist. I likely butcher it all to hell, but it's there...