I have to thank everyone for their support. The reviews for Fire and Fangs and Imperfect Harmony have been so great! Now I ha...
BOOK QUOTE: "April comes to us, with her showers sweet. I wake to the cries of little birds before the light comes across t...
Dead Heat - Patricia BriggsSeries: Alpha & Omega #4Published by: Ace, on 3 March 2015Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy...
Gay romantic comedy The Hit List has just been republished with a brand-new cover at Amazon, so pick up your copy today! J...
I have been trying to write for a while now. I have all these amazing ideas, but its really hard getting my thoughts onto pap...
Her Holiday Man - Shannon StaceyPublished by: Carina Press, on 3 November 2014Genres: Adult, Contemporary,RomanceFormat: eARC...
*This book is recommended for a mature audience due to the fact that it includes either sexual content, violence, drug and/or...
Grave Mercy - Robin LaFeversSeries: His Fair Assassin #1Published by: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, on 3 April 2012Genres: Histo...
"Stars steam away as a pale sun rises, hot coal dropped in a watery sky. Light seeps across the forest as the reedy shrieks o...
Wow -- thank you to "Historical Novel Reviews" for the very nice review! Oct 20, 2014 Great Historicals rated it 5 of 5...
First and foremost many thanks to Goodreads and Random House for providing me with a review copy of this book. It was such a ...
Hi there, just wanted to let you know that we're having minor issues with some of the images, including the avatars and some...